dimanche 7 février 2016

Gemstones are rare

Gemstones are rare
That which makes the value of these stones are: color, luster and transparency. Also rare is the one who increases the value of the more rare stone value increased and became a heavy Agla A final standard hardness which is no resistance to scratching. It is kind of rare precious stones: Sapphire: one of the gems that occupies the first place in terms of importance, a Cjaralnadrh and expensive. It features that if exposed to high heat hide color. The sapphire is red and shiny and dark as well. Diamonds: The ranks second only to diamond sapphire in importance .. It is pure white or yellow .. which coal is formed with the passage of time and enormous pressure to its present form is subject to extreme high temperatures in order to make Emerald: The human gems that occupies third place in terms of importance, a type of beryl mineral, consisting of silicate of beryllium and aluminum, is found in rocks hardwood and marble mines Unlike most gemstones. The emerald color dark deep green and transparent. Ambassador: It is a type of metal Alchorondaum blue color, composed under Alarillahararh intense pressure, and is known as sapphire blue, also known as exhaling or wheezing or Alsavair, and be in all colors except red .oochehrh and raise him up deep blue translucent. And ranks fourth in terms of importance. Ambassador stellar: The Hoohd types ambassador has to be transparent or semitransparent or by white lines .. Opal: a metal is opaque and pure amorphous and color red in the habit. And sometimes it is yellow or green or blue or gray. It is a type of quartz known as jade. Onyx, onyx: a metal semitransparent consists chemically of silica hidden gelling containing impurities of iron compounds installation of such impurities Opal shows different Boloanh red, and yellow, and the structure .. The most popular types of onyx Red, a known Balrmani Garnet Brown, a well-known Balqaibdi. Amethyst: popularly known as (Sapphire Jamri East). Color always mauve or dark or purple or between a transparent metal, acquires violet color to the presence of traces of manganese in combination. From the two types and amethyst original type of quartz composed of silicon dioxide Turquoise: The Homarov since ancient times, it is blue-green or gray Mkhaddroohaana turn into a light green. It is rare and very presence in the amorphous state. It consists of aluminum phosphate that contains copper water. Topaz: known as yellow or yellow sapphire exhale .. a transparent metal-colored golden yellow basis but there are blue types or brown or yellow. Crystals formed within the cavities of granite stones and harsh schist where there always. Lapis Lazuli: known as the old (Alaohq), a stone half cream and non-transparent. Color dark blue deep. This stone is extracted from Iran. Chemical composition of a double aluminum silicate and sodium mixed with iron and sulfur Opal: Stone semitransparent cream multiple colors. It blue, white and black is rare and the Portuguese Red, green and yellow. A gloss Mtlolye.
طرق تلميع الذهب
Acquire a lot of females around the world varieties variety of ornaments Kalosawr, rings, etc., which are often made of gold white lime and yellow, the metal most popular and the most suitable female for most, but with repeated wear these gold accessories all the time may suspend parts of which some dirt or dust or Solid materials. May be exposed gold color fade and sometimes vanish gloss, which some people pay to go to places selling jewelry in order to bring the bright spot on the pieces and returned as they were, but there are simple ways you can follow homemade from some of the material available and cheap through which women polishing their gold short time and at the lowest cost without any trouble. Methods of polishing gold Cleaning by boiling or hot water: If a piece of gold-free gems or colored lobes can clean up a piece of gold by placing them in boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes and almost rubbing places dirt by tooth brush gently with a little clear dishwasher liquid, but if the gold piece containing precious stones or lobes of the diamond is not advisable to clean it with boiling water; it may cause its fall from the widget or break it, and cracking, so you are advised to replace it warm or hot water, "no less than the boiling point", and after cleaning Wipe dry piece with a clean towel and then leave in the open air to dry. Cleaning by Ammonia: The ammonia from strong detergents for the metal, which is the same incendiary effect of chemically; it may cause slight damage to the materials used in the jewelry industry, but it can alleviate the ammonia water by mixing equal quantities be, then soak the gold ornaments which for a period not exceeding for 60 seconds, and then get out gold pieces by the food strainer, then Ashtefaha with plain water and Wipe dry with a cloth. Cleaning by toothpaste: Mix a little toothpaste with water in a dedicated container cleaning to reduce the density of putty, this method helps to loosening the dirt with gold, and polishing the pieces within a few minutes without scratches harmful occur in the surface of the piece, and can be used with a brush teeth to clean up the pieces gently and softness and, ultimately, rinse the pieces with plain water and Wipe dry with a towel designated for that purpose. By cleaning Altaizhab: is a chemical used by the owners of shops selling gold and welding Usually, they are able to dissolve all dirt without damage the cut gold.
طريقة استخدام قناع الذهب
Looking a lot of women for mixtures and masks that add to the skin beauty and youth, these mixtures are essential to enjoy a healthy skin flawless pure and the effects of age, wrinkles and freckles and cost, but competing companies and beauty centers in product introductions to attract a lot of women for the use of cosmetic preparations that re skin vitality and freshness, among the products that have been successful and wildly popular in maintaining the skin is gold mask. Gold mask and benefits Gold Mask is a global innovation which contains molecules of the empty net from impurities gold, it will be blended fragrances roses and compounds derived from fruits and collagen, and as a result of these components there are several benefits to mask gold managed to achieve the purpose of the catcher, which is to maintain the skin from wrinkles, and it works to tighten the face and body skin, restoring the skin cells and remove acne scars and skin purification and serenity, as well as skin whitening, and more importantly, is to maintain the youth of the skin. How to use gold mask We will talk about how to develop a mask, or holder of gold on the face, there are a lot of beginners use this mask for the first time, and there are those who are accustomed to using it, Valmask suitable for all age groups and both sexes and without any side effects, and you Steps to a gold mask on the skin: The beginning of the face wash well with soap and water, and dried with a towel is good. For beginners mask usually covers the entire face, we remove the mask from the cover, and set the top of the face where it becomes slots allocated to the eye mask covering the entire eye area around and especially the eyelids area and place form dark circles, then press well on allocated for the nose and the mouth nostril, and gently pull the cheeks. After installing the mask and gentle texture on the face are put to relax for an hour until the skin absorbs the mask components well. After removing the mask gently wash the face with warm water only, and repeats the process daily for two weeks, after which it is put the mask once a week, and there are masks of gold is used three times a month, and months masks the gold used is gold collagen mask; because in Available affordable prices and encouraging the appropriate and flexible way to use it. There is another type of masks gold a powder and sliced ​​gold, and placed on the face or any area of ​​the body after washing and dried with a towel, and then the slides are placed and massaging her face until it disappears and be absorbed by the skin and sometimes sprinkle dedicated water to activate the face and left for five minutes, then placed the bulk of work on soften the skin, the last step is placed Crystal cream that contains particles of gold and facial massage is done well, and this user mask in beauty centers that take care of skin.
فوائد ماسك الذهب

Gold Mask Spread in the world of cosmetics during the recent idea of ​​using to improve skin health in many of the Arab countries concerned with the development of cosmetic techniques gold, but the idea of ​​the use for the manufacture of masks gold cosmetic skin found gold for a long time where the holder of gold is the secret of glow and beauty queen of ancient Egypt Pharaonic which he puts them on the day of her skin, enabling it to maintain a youthful appearance for a long time, as gold was used in alternative medicine as a cure for many diseases taking it by mouth. Some cosmetic scientists in Japan have been able to develop a mask of pure gold foil 99.9 from 24-gauge, which works on the skin rejuvenation that arrived use this mask to European countries, America and through to the Arab states. Below we will look to talk about the most important benefits of gold holder. Benefits of Gold Mask According holder of gold known (elixir of youth) in the treatment of vitiligo lesions and skin problems and also reduces the appearance of wrinkles and delay the signs of aging and age. Gold Mask works to renew the tired skin cells also helps to tighten the skin of the face and body, as well as giving a luster to the skin, and maintains the flexibility and delay of a decrease in collagen, and keeps the skin young for longer period of time. Gold Mask hide his irritation of the skin and recurrent inflammation on the face and neck. It gives a gold mask texture smooth shiny skin and can be used on all areas of the body, as women and obviates the make-up, and reduce the effects of stress on the skin. Gold Mask works to stimulate the production of cells of the deep layer of skin from the lower to reproduce healthy and strong and free of impurities new cells. Preserves mask gold on skin moisture and prevent dryness and Thqqatha, as this helps catcher on a simple blow to the face and fill in fine lines caused by aging. Gold Mask works to lighten skin naturally slow down the secretion of melanin that lead to the occurrence of the defect and the occurrence of pigmentation or colored spots on the skin. It prevents the holder of gold in the emergence of free radicals that cause skin and the appearance of aging and diseases of the skin marks. Often beauty girls experts advise, especially the bride using a gold mask at an early period of life before the advent of advanced age or early disadvantages signs, so as to keep young skin and vitality for longer period of time, as it is possible to use it every month or six months or a year, being worked on remove dead skin and impurities, spots, pimples and grain and keep clean shiny skin and soft light without leaving any side effects or damage or infections on the skin.

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