dimanche 7 février 2016

How to remove wax from clothing

How do I remove Super Glue for clothing
What is the Super Glue "Super Glue" is an industrial use to paste the material most easily like paper and others, but during use some effects may be attached to the hands or on the clothes, so it is difficult for her employer easily removed, even if they put it in the washing machine and washing powder added to it. So it is necessary to use some of the available household items in each house to remove Super Glue for clothes completely. Ways to remove Super Glue from clothes Remove Super Glue using gasoline And through the use of a piece of cotton soaked with gasoline, rubbed her place which was suspended by Super Glue and after the piece is washed clothes naturally Machine usual washing powder and then add a published piece notes the demise of the adhesive of clothing. Remove Super Glue using Sbarto That dip Super Glue spot Balsberto "It is antiseptic medical wounds" for a few minutes with a good rub with a brush teeth and then washed Machine and dissemination forfeit immediately Remove Super Glue using acetone And so by dipping a toothbrush with acetone "nail remover" then rub Super Glue spot on your clothes well with Alastabar agreed period because they may need a relatively long time. Even then disappear completely by clear liquid wash and rub the spot and then washed with water and piece published in the air and disappear completely. Remove Super Glue using Alaizy Glass And so little zest Alaizy Glass "Glass Gloss" on the spot above the piece of clothing and then rub well using a toothbrush, and then washed as usual Machine with a little washing powder. Remove Super Glue using boiling water It can remove Super Glue modern spot Bngmir spot with boiling water for a short time, until the adhesive begins Baldhubat decomposition gradual Vizul alone with rubbing well with a toothbrush, but if the old spot we must use a piece of ice placed for a period of up spot conjoined they help remove Alllasq Easily . It should be noted that some people clearing Super piebald Glo relationship with some fabrics and garments wrong ways, such as using a knife to scrape the spot and peeled through repeated swishing this way damage the fabrics, clothing and spoiled and cause scraping and lacerations evident in the clothes, so it is necessary to stop Assthaddam this method to remove the spot.
How to remove wax from clothing
When using candles in the home during a family party or evening or even when a sudden power outage beads may fall out of the hot wax melted on the surface of the clothes we wear or the undistributed fabrics at home Kmvarc trip or the like, and this leads to adhesion strongly cloth so that it is difficult for person easily removed, especially after a period left on the clothes to be frozen, and no matter how hard a person rubbed Bazfarh or by knife will not go away completely, but may cause scratches and damage to the piece of clothing that may damage the landscape completely, and make us dispense with them forever. So it was necessary to search for a safe, proven and effective ways to help us to remove wax stains from clothing and fabrics so as not to leave marks on the clothes nor any cracks or permanent scratches occur, the following are the most important ways in which you can remove the wax from the clothing or fabric home: If you stuck a large amount of wax on the surface of the piece of clothing you must first: Scrape what Tsttiei spoon gently so as not to talk any damage to it, and then evaluating to bring a paper bag which is used in vegetable stores often and we divide it into four small pieces, and also bring iron and ironing boards, and then we put one piece of paper under the affected place and the other above it and put it on the ironing table and then we pass it irons circular movements so as not to widen the wax space. With alert to set the appropriate temperature according to the type of cloth, if thin, it is necessary to reduce the heat, but if the cloth is thick and strong Fliki raise the temperature to above-average heat until it reaches a spot of wax stuck on them. After the heats spot wax begins the gradual melting on the upper papers and Lower appears as a liquid drench each of the two papers and the more afflicted paper we change it and repeat the process until you pass away traces of wax completely, then we wash the whole piece clothing in the usual way, and when dry note that there are no traces of the spot . If you have the iron is not available, then you can you place a piece of clothing in a plastic bag and then put the bag in the refrigerator or freezer for three hours until completely frozen, then go out and play piece Bkhtha easily from the surface without leaving any traces on the surface.
كيفية تنظيف الصدأ من الملابس
You have stained clothes some of us through her spots scattered from rust, making it dirty and prevents we wear them and abandon them forever, even if the piece of clothing are expensive or grainy us a lot, because rust is one of the stubborn stains that are difficult for the housewife removed once put it in a regular washing machine, they need special ways to deal with pre-washed traditionally. Rust stains were stuck costumed as a result of the nature of the work of some individuals factories or workshops that are used by the iron or copper equipment, and perhaps produce rust stains as a result of forgetting keys or metal buttons or copper inside pockets piece of clothing for a long time, leading to the emergence of some spots or lines of rust the outer surface of the fabric, and thus lose the beautiful and elegant appearance and suggesting to others not to cleaner owner. But the contrast clothing experts to reach a variety of methods that have proven effective in removing stubborn rust stains from the surface of clothing Bkhl final without any damage caused to a piece of cloth the same Here are some of them: Can remove rust from the cloth by placing the juice a lemon and one place spot on the cloth, and then exposing it to sunlight warm sun that we feel that the cloth completely dried lemon liquid, and when you're done, we wash them as usual Machine with the addition of normal washing powder , where the lemon with the sun helps melt rust is uncertain. Can be used to fire water to remove rust stains, and through the development of a very small amount on the place of the spot, with the need to care to wear gloves while rubbing article cloth, because the water fire burning to the hands, as it should be noted that the increase in quantity may damage a piece of cloth for clothes and if it removes the original color them or melt the affected area, given the strength of this article scorching and solvents. Also can be used with liquid plain dishes to remove rust stains, and by setting a good amount of it on the spot and Dekha well done with a little warm water, and then wash the entire piece Machine, and published in a sunny place, where the liquid is clear a great ability to remove stubborn fatty or spots oily surface of clothes just as removes the dishes and cooking utensils. You can use a slice of fresh lemon, so by putting them under the spot completely rust, hot pass over the outer surface of the cloth irons with the need to change the lemon slice on the periods being gradually removes rust stains.
طرق إزالة العلكة عن الملابس
Many people complain of adhesion cut chewing gum on their clothes; where the advantage quickly adhesion gum on the clothes, and this leads to leave the piece and never give up, so we will remember you in this article are several ways that must be followed to remove chewing gum from clothing. Ways to remove chewing gum from clothing Cooling method: by placing a piece clothing affected gum in the freezer, leaving the piece for a period ranging from two to three hours; where this method works on the disintegration of the gum molecules piece of clothing by cooling, and after you take out a piece of clothing from the freezer, you can remove a piece chewing gum with ease, do not forget to wash the clothing item then for wearing again. Use orange oil: by putting oil Alrtqal on a piece of cotton or sponge, and rub the place chewing gum found on a piece of clothing to degrade adjacent piece of clothing gum molecules, and then you can disarm piece of chewing gum by hand, can buy orange oil from the shops Perfumery. Use Hairspray: Put a little hair spray on the whereabouts of gum, it works on the hardened gum, including molecules adjacent to clothing, then you can remove the gum by the top of a spoon with ease. Use kerosene to dissolve the gum and analysis of coherent particles; and by putting kerosene on the place of gum, and then rubbing the place with a piece of chewing gum Alasvenh, until it is finally removed, do not forget to wash the clothes of the smell of kerosene. Ironing Method: This is the way of the best methods used to remove the cut chewing gum from clothing, and by placing a white paper on the surface of the gum, and the paper should be extended greatly; so that a larger area of ​​the surface of the gum, place the iron on brighten up the paper, and Ocoee paper quietly, and by factors produced by heating the iron heat that chewing gum will stick to the paper, and then you can see a piece of clothing, which looks to the gum did not stick to them. Use hot water: by placing a sponge in hot water, and then rub a piece of gum stuck, and by heat factors that lead to the disintegration of the gum molecules piece of clothing, you can use the old toothbrush to clean up the remnants of chewing gum stuck. Use apple cider vinegar: Heat the apple cider vinegar by microwave oven, put a little bit of vinegar on a sponge, and then rub the gum found on a piece of clothing, and this leads to the disintegration of the adjacent gum molecules on the surfaces of clothing. You can use some other method such as alcohol, and adhesive tape, and peanut oil; For these roads good results, and can be used alcohol way by an old toothbrush and sponge, as in peanut oil, and the adhesive tape are putting the gum and remove it quickly.

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