dimanche 7 février 2016

How do I know that I am beautiful

How do I know that I am beautiful
The girl is often that it is not a high degree of beauty and elegance, and perhaps the reason is due to lack of self-confidence, or frequent comparisons with the other girls, the beauty of the girl is not in form or in only her dress, but in her manners, and proper conduct and behavior, it is no wonder they may be beautiful but no one wants them, for the simple reason, which is that they are not committed, or dysfunctional respect Bokhalagaha, and its liabilities. The girl Whatever ambitions rose or fell, these things are not Faisalah in her life, as much as they need to live their desires, and sees herself as she likes to see itself, and is working to prolong her life to achieve her goal, and draws the joy on her face. How do I know I'm beautiful: All the girls in my beautiful, but there are some of them, are not able to show this beauty Iqmn clearly, so that this layer must then stand, girl who deserves to be a phenomenon in the eyes of others, and prominent features, and beauty. In order to know that the beautiful accent or not, you get the following: 1. Observe yourself while you are with others, the Harta that have high confidence in your session, and your form, the way of talking, and Harta you're flying, and sprightly, Vaalma you are beautiful in the eyes of yourself and of others, beauty is not only Mlameha, but attitudes, and words and brainpower and social different. 2. Observe attracted others towards you, the Harta they are trying to talk to you, and prolong viewing you, Vanity certainly Taajabihm, and summon their urgent desire to see the apparent beauty in your eyes, there is no shame in that, but you have to be clear in your mind, in your thoughts, so do not accuse someone of anything may Ieibk, or cause you embarrassment. 3. Basque, and the way your walk, determine the extent of your beauty, the people Harta stares at you, and their smile when they see you, you Vaalma Taatmtaan with a fair amount of beauty, or at least Taatmtaan including not enjoyed by one of them. 4. talking with others determines the extent of your ability to show your point of view, and the extent of people's attention, including coming out of your mouth, the Asttotai to seeing you this, and Ocdeta the ability of people to understand this, this is a first step on the path of beauty that you dream of doing. Finally, the real beauty is the beauty that comes from the heart, that appears spontaneously, and the softness of feminine, full of sophistication, and the pomp, this beauty remains for ever in the hearts of others forever.
What are the signs of beauty in women
People's tastes vary, Vosabana is not one, and each of us has its own taste in every order of things in life, whether in our definition of beauty, or in preference to things, or even preferred our food, our author or preferred, and much more. In our article we will talk about this woman and then signs of beauty, and what distinguishes it from others to judge them as beautiful or not. As I said, our tastes vary, of course, but there are certain criteria may increase the proportion of beauty, has been favored by some others do not. There are certain criteria that we identified to determine the proportion of beauty for women, which are many and various. Beauty and signs in women possess long eyelashes, they are an aesthetic feature adds a special sparkle to the eyes the beauty and charm. The shape of the face in general so that it is not a moderate and a long round is a beauty attributes. And eyebrows drawn regardless of Khamlha or adjournment they are beautiful, and vary from one woman to another depending on the nature of the front, and the presence of hair between the eyebrows "link" is considered an aesthetic aspect to the other. Laghmazac in the face of a beauty attributes that fascinate viewers beautiful women, as it is one of the most beautiful signs loved and favored by men, whether on the cheek or on the chin, as well as the small and mouth ear tiny little nose (no small facial features in general) of the attributes the beauty of a woman's face, as well as Alchweiv which are specific, natural and be the upper half of which is greater than the bottom, and they are the most prominent feature of the aesthetic. Do not forget, of course, they spin poets beauty of "eyes" and Hoarham, color and magic, the big Valaaon with the beautiful color of the most beautiful attributes that spun by poets of women, as well as the matter with regard to hair; the Arab poetry Gemayel is the long hair are you soft blackness and drop down on the shoulders of women, this is the wonderful picture painted by a lot of poets imagination super women's beauty. There is no doubt that the "length" the medium is the height of choice for women, which gives it the mainstay beautiful with an appropriate weight giving them a basic recipe for beauty pageants, excess Vakasr or excessive length is likable, and the extra weight or excessive Alnhv is Mahbban too, as well as saw some researchers that "long fingers" among women of beauty attributes to have. Poets ignorance has spun an old women with a long neck, it is an aesthetic aspect, favored by Arab men often in women. No matter how different beauty attributes women's colorful, it may Thzin either singly or in Bklha or most of them, and apart from that, the real beauty of women lies in her character, good her words, and its eagerness to to wear modest upscale, and her modesty beautiful, all this reflects the wonderful image of it, many women have many aesthetic features, but do not ever be beautiful because it lacks the most important aesthetic feature must be enjoyed by women, namely "modesty and decency."
How to make the face and pinkHow to make the face and pink Most girls or women in general dream pink face, with that pink colors so beloved of women and reflects the beauty and clarity of the skin, said that the large number of eating apples make the cheeks Matturdh no pink color, the other is a saying that many eating carrots also make facial and body in general in pink and the net so that it filters out toxins from the skin, cereals, etc. in addition to its importance in strengthening the clarity of view and, from here we will address ways and means through which are making your skin or your face special pink color. Ways to make the face and pink The first way: Ingredients: a tablespoon of flour, one teaspoon of natural honey, and a little lemon juice, a little olive oil, and egg white. Preparation:'re mixing all the ingredients together and stir well until homogeneous, the mixture simmer for ten minutes and then're an individual mixture on your face and neck that Ordti and left on the face for 15 minutes and then're washing the face with warm your water and soap, preferably the work of these the mixture before placing Mickey August (make-up), half an hour, use three times a week. The second method: Ingredients: a tablespoon of starch, and a little rose water (enough so that the face). Preparation: Thoudrin starch and you place it rose water and mix with each other, then're rinsing the face with the mixture, and leave for a quarter of an hour or until dry mixture on the face, then're washing the face with warm water, used daily, you will see that the score after the third day, God willing. The third way: Ingredients: Spray empty, Chinese green tea, and lemon juice and rose water. Preparation: Boil're Chinese green tea and then liquidate him're only taking water and Tkhaltin Other Ingredients with him in a box and Tdaanha sprayer, and Bbouk're a little of it on your face daily before bedtime. What is the fruit that supply the face 1. islands is by eating uncooked. 2. lettuce through the fruit. 3. option through slices used on the face. 4. potatoes through the cut into slices and distributed on the face. 5. apples which is very handy through eat it on a daily basis where liquidate the skin and gives the face and skin.
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Clean skin, lean, cereals and costs of the most important things that aspiring women to get them, they are trying all means to get rid of the many problems that pile up on the skin, but the surrounding environmental conditions have had a factor strongest in the inability to maintain the skin one way or another, the reason for this is that the face needs to care more than other areas of the human body, and any failure to so could expose the skin to be damaged. Of the most important problems facing the skin as follows: The problem of costs: It is a problem associated with pregnancy and childbirth dramatically, and disposal needs of many mixes and recipes, they affect the face dramatically, and appear as dark black spots sweeping the skin, leaving it ugly signs affect him significantly. Acne problem: These are connected the problem stage of adolescence, it is possible to remain associated with the body, even after this stage, and is characterized by acne that leaves stains disappear after that remains on the face for long periods. The phenomenon of the blackness below the eye: This problem shows very clearly the people who are used to ensure long periods of time, without compensation of hours of sleep lost by the body, and this leads to the appearance of these spots under the eye immediately, and make face looks bad landscape dramatically, and you have to keep up on your skin, and give them care enough to do so. One of the main ways in which used to reduce skin problems, and lightened in record time as follows: Mask ginger: It is a very modern holder, invented by a doctor when he conducted research for ginger and benefits, and found that it protects against the face of the many problems that show it, it also helps in getting rid of acne, aging symptoms, and works to tighten the skin and protect it and it opens it. Mask honey: a catcher known that he was working to break the grease accumulated around the eye areas, which works to bring out the wrinkles, it also purifies the skin of impurities, and gives you a face receptive, and pretty dramatically, and helps to show off features that ceased to exist due to environmental factors that affected the skin Significantly . Wash the skin with milk milk, where it is known that the use of milk works to tighten the skin and peel, allowing the growth of new skin, you can also benefit from intensive dairy products for skin supple. Finally, dear Vahtmamk Banaga E may be reflected on your skin Nvsik image that you want, because the skin is a cause for joy for women in every time and place, Neve Vhafeza on your skin flawless, nor let go susceptible to damage whatever cost it ..

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