dimanche 7 février 2016

How do I take advantage of old clothes

How do I take advantage of old clothes
Old clothes There are a lot of human waste which is the things that used for a specified period, and then indispensable, including clothes that are constantly changing due to the damage or the emergence of a new set of modern models, so keep those clothes accumulated in their own cupboards in vain, so that should be exploited and making group a variety of them, formed and cut in different ways, and that process considered to be of material benefit to man, they save a lot of money. Ways to take advantage of old clothes Decorate household items with pieces of those clothes and put them as one of the beautiful scenery decorated home, you can draw a circular cut on a piece of clothing or forms of cardboard and then cut and pasted Ballasq Alsmoghai on the vase with color does not contain any kind of delight and joy, and often use this method to decorate rooms children. Formed and cut to get the covers for chairs or tables, Wim taking the appropriate size of a chair and a private foot and angles, and then tailor covers of old clothes and placed them covered. Change the shape of the old piece to a new piece, and the simplest things in it is to convert the entire feet trousers to short-shorts, and then cut a specific distance him from the bottom. It can be formed T-shirts and skirts of them, remove the strings of them, and then cut and sewn again to produce a new piece in a different way than it was. If the old clothes made of wool can be disassembled and then sewn Baloawad own wool to form a new piece of detail different than it was. Collection of children's toys and dolls private industry, and this is done the old sewing piece is then stuffed doll and cut foam and drawing upon each of the eyes, nose and mouth. Taking each of the buttons and beads from old clothes, and doubts arranged to make a distinctive and beautiful accessory in a way, and here we must creativity in innovation. Making beautiful and distinctive school stationery, and then cut the pieces of old clothing and sewn specific sizes and then dressing their pens and eraser. Making a variety of special wall Kalprawes landscapes, natural shapes and wall clocks. Industry bags and hair accessories of them, and this is done by cutting piece into small pieces, and then sewn in a bag with a suit of new clothes, or sewn as a kind of hoops that are placed on the hair. Cut up old clothes and crushed and use them to manufacture comfortable fillings for pillows and upholstery, use this method if the pieces were stale dramatically and can not use them in any way, which was mentioned earlier.
Method of dyeing clothes
How to dye clothes We may want to change the colors of our clothes for several reasons, including that some of the clothing colors may change with the passage of time, or because the color of the pants, for example, does not fit the color of the jacket, which Aptanaha, or because we have tired of the color of dress we are ready by giving it another color, and the only solution to do that is to tow these clothes the color you want, and contrary to what you may believe, the dye clothing is not difficult as there are several ways to do so, the following explanation of some of these methods are simple and clear steps. Method of washing machine Keep the amount of water inside the washing machine so that clothes enough to move freely. Keep dye clothes quantities mentioned an explosive dye. Nbll clothes in hot water. Guest any wrinkles from clothes, put them in the dye bath, which Houdrnah. We operate the washing machine on a longer cycle for washing, clothes are must stay for half an hour at least before it starts by rinsing the washing machine, and can be re-calibration of the washing machine before they enter the rinse stage as needed. Nctef clothes with cold water until the water comes out of the net without any color, should be washed with warm dark clothes first and then rinse with cold water with water. Drain the clothes dryer or either by placing them on a clothesline. Washing machine clean up the remnants of the dye using the highest level of water, use warm water, a cup of bleach. Way sink or bucket Fill the sink or bucket with enough hot water. Add the dye to the water and stirring the mixture. We repeat the third and fourth steps of the previous method. Keep clothes in the dye bath, and move the clothes continuously for ten minutes to half an hour, stirring constantly change direction from right to left, and from top to bottom and side to side. Nctef clothes with warm water, and gradually Nctefha lukewarm and cold water to clean the water out of the dye. Wash clothes warm and mild detergent for clothes with water. Nctef clothes again with cold water. Drain the clothes, wash sink or bucket directly bleached materials. Prepare the dye from natural materials Choose the right color of the dye, and we can choose plants and fruits appropriate for the color you want, where we can get the orange color of the skin of the onion, and the roots of the islands, and others, and the brown color of tea bags, coffee, and the trunk of the pine, and the pink color of strawberries, cherries, and we can look natural Resources for the color you want. We collect materials that we want, and any plant Snkhtarha should be fully mature. Cut the selected plant into small pieces, and move it to fate, destiny and should be twice the size of the size of the clothes that we want painted. Leave the dye on the fire that Tzbk, so filling the pot with water and leave it to boil on high heat, then reduce the heat and let the mixture until it becomes thick for an hour. Halves of the mixture from the remains of plants and re-dye to the pot.
How folded clothesMany of the women's homes face chaos during folding clothes and put them in the cupboard, and the disadvantages of this is difficult to choose clothes that person wants worn smoothly and easily, and consumption of more time, and the difficulty in arranging the cupboard again, and you Madam some ideas that will help you during Collapse clothes easily and conveniently. Aabdoa Butti internal cotton clothing so that each item be alone, rely Folding way to wrap the interior piece Butneha and tied it on a cylindrical shape, and you can some custom drawers choice in Dulabk to put cotton clothing with each individually even easier for you to access what you want very easily, or you can buy some of the available funds in the market and intended for the storage and the status of each section of cotton clothing in a fund and arrange them beautifully inside the cupboard, and this idea gives you enough space, you can also exploit the cardboard boxes that are located where the shoes and bags when purchased and then paste it Eontakt Bieber (adhesive paper) and arranged beautifully in Dulabk. You can unload a special drawer in the kitchen cupboard to put cotton towels and towels for the kitchen and you can easily fold up either the usual way or discourage them lengthwise and wrapped in a cylindrical, and if you do not Tmlkin adequate space you can use straw basket rectangular shape and exploit any empty space in the kitchen and put cotton out towels and distribution beautifully. You can buy a three Zervat are available in different forms such as a straw or wood or colored plastic closet, you can put them near the bathroom, and the shower inside own towels mode, you can also use for other purposes. You can split Dulabk sections double major section for clothes, cotton, and a section of the clothes off, and the Department of jeans, and can write a small explanatory words on a sheet of adhesive on each section even remind you of what you want. You can put the clothes that you're wearing is constantly on the close relationship of the reach of your hands, so that will save you time and effort. You can put cotton socks and nylon Hafez fund and put each pair together so as not to Tdatrin to the inspection lot, also able to put the socks in the closet shoe box until Tsela you a lot of things. Imkncasthaddam kind of relationships that are in the form of three or four layers, for hanging light shawls and pieces of chiffon and lace. Use Hangers to put all the pieces together prefer wearing mini, relations are available on the cheap and are available in most shops. You can make folding machine, a simple and gorgeous design at the same time, which is made up of cardboard folded old clothes help you without effort and simply
How do I remove ballpoint pen from clothes
We face a lot of spots in our lives, whether through work or through daily life we ​​live on a daily basis and which are at home or in any other place, there are spots that afflict clothes in the house and that it strikes while working in the kitchen in particular, where there are frequent tomato patches, tomato paste stains coffee stains ketchup stains and oil stains eggs and other types of spots that it strikes while working in the kitchen, whether at home or on our work as cooks or chef or a waiter in a restaurant or other business, and that there is another kind of spots, which affects people who do the work in the field of paints and work in the field of colors abound these spots through the work of people paints and field and colors of an acrylic and other materials that can remain on clothes oil paints, and considers these types of stains from hard species that infect Almlabus and that can be addressed through the thinner or by kerosene and there are many ways to treat them. But now we will address the most common types of spots difficult and more types of spots that affect the vast majority of us because the ink stains infect a lot of us, whether at work or at school abound ink spots for people who are studying in Auyemi and using a ballpoint pen on a daily basis as students in schools and universities the professors and lecturers undergraduates from more groups that suffer from these spots as well as accountants and lawyers and all the people who are using the ink in everyday life constantly, and we must follow specific procedures and certain way to remove ink stains from Almlabus we can by following the following method: Materials that you need: Lemon juice. A piece of cheesecloth. Mode of Action to remove the stain from clothes: You should be doing by adding lemon to the piece that the ink spot of clothes, then you should be doing continuous rubbing the spot with lemon and then nationalist put a piece of cotton cloth on the spot, and then you should be doing Baltarpet on a piece of cotton cloth, and you'll notice a spot ink move to the cheesecloth and then you wash the spot and special ink that are present on the original piece, where there is a simple residual ink of the fabric of clothes with water and liquid laundry.

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