How do you remove the paint from clothing
Many were forced to get rid of his clothes and destruction due to the adhesion of stains on them and the difficulty of removing all the ways and means by which we know it, and vary difficult to clean such stains of ink and rust stains and splatter paint blood stains, as is the paint patches of spots that are difficult to remove by normal methods because of the strength of materials it contains spots Paint, especially paints and coatings with oily nature, are skeptical and many of their inability to clean the clothes stained with paint and we will mention the ways to remove it. Ways to get rid of paint stains The first way: When this problem occurs must put the clothes stained with paint away and allow it to dry completely, and then scrape the paint dry using a spoon Oowalskan judiciously and warned so as not to tarnish elsewhere paint, use a pot in which little laundry soap with a high quality is placed and put a sponge in the pot and do Bdek clothes then rinsed piece of clothing under the water faucet, then be re-Tkaralfrck Balasvenjh, then be a little hair spray put on the place spot and rub it with a cloth and put the cloth and rub it under water and then a piece clothes are placed in the washing machine and then you will get rid of the slick paint Permanently. The second method: Using Oil Alterpntina by soaking clothing pieces in oil for five hours, and then washed and placed piece by kerosene to get rid of fatty oil effects. The third way: Remove excess quantity of paint after drying with a knife and then national heart piece of clothing and Adekaha under warm water, national blending plain dish liquid with warm water in a bowl and use a sponge by placing them in the mixture and let alone piece of clothing, and can repeat step until it has passed the spot, can be used acetone by placing it on the spot if you do not go away. Fourth way: Soak a piece nationalist-stained clothes in cold water paint Forhdot spot. Fifth way: the use of methyl alcohol and Homadh on a piece of clothing directly and can repeat the process if the need arises. Sixth way: By Mbacraly piece of clothing that has a slick paint is made using thinner Owalkaz by placing it and rub it well and then put them in the washing machine and washed just like any other clothing. Seventh method: the use of the pesticide Alpf Puff and sprayed on a piece of clothing and then let him wash the piece of clothing. Eighth way: Rub a piece of clothing a little oil and put it in the washing machine with a little washing powder your colored clothes and chlorine. Ninth way: the use of high-quality powders dehydrogenase spots.
Often we buy Mlabassa be patched drew printed what it, or stamped letters memorable lyrics, and often we like those clothes in the absence of this printing, it has become easy now the possibility of getting rid of this printing, according Depending on the type of printed yarn clothing by those printings, according depending on the type as well as printed material and the method and style of print. Divided clothes into five main sections in terms of the type of yarn made from them: There are strands of cotton clothes. With twine Knitwear. Clothing thread nylon or polystyrene. leather clothes. Overlapping strings of two or more clothes. Printing types: External printing paste. Print integration and blending of overlapping and holistic in the original filament apparel components. Print superficial merger. Methods of removing printing for apparel: The removal of the printing for cotton clothing or a Sufi technique is one, does not depend on the type of printing and strength, a very simple principle boils down to put a clean cloth over the printing, and then shed laundry being protected on the surface of the cloth from abroad for an appropriate period of time, Viltske after printing on a piece cloth. In the case of whether the clothes of nylon twine or polystyrene, and the printing of the first type only, in which case it can print using spray a special spray removal depends on strength of the iron hydroxide is oxidized, which is sold in the market under various brand names, which is very expensive comparatively, whose ideology is based on the breakthrough points of contact conjoined externally between material printing and strings clothes, charging biplane incompatible Bahntin of electricity, which repulsion between biplane process happens, are getting rid of printing on impact, but if the quality of the printing type II or III, the regular roads not suitable for them, and left the field only to use the laboratory and laboratory techniques are expensive, and costs outweigh exponentially price of those clothes no matter how expensive, unless they carry moral price is invaluable, it varies case then there remains the feasibility of the use of this Case. In the case of skin-threaded clothes, there is a steam alternating stages technique, which are available in the shops know-how Clean modern trendy, cheap and easy to suit the printing of the first type and the third technique, but in the case of the printing of the second kind, it unfortunately those shops are still demanding wages to meet this price action exceeds the price of the same clothes. In the case of overlapping clothes of two or more kinds of leads: are dealt with in the same principle of leather garments if the skin of the components or the same principle nylon clothes if nylon was one of the components.
The problem of exposure to dirty clothes All of which are exposed clothes dirty as a result of some fatty foods that we eat every day in our meals, showing the spots clearly, especially if the color of clothing and fabrics, opening, and defies some stubborn stains for cleaning by the usual washing liquid in the washing machine, are forced lady of the house to search for ways another to remove tough stains Kaldhun oils, known to be attached to clothing not easily go away, but if we use certain substances soften its appearance has been fully remove them. Ways to remove fat oil stains from clothes Remove oils "fat" by children Powder "talc" Keep talc "children" powder white on the place of the oil spill on the clothes, so covering the whole place and leave for a few minutes, which is about 5 minutes, then we remove the powder through a toothbrush, and then we wash widget washing clothes as usual with a little washing powder mode, then publish to dry, and you notice the disappearance of the spot will soon dry. By removing the oil slick soap: let the oil slick Besabonh laurel well then we wash with water widget and dissemination to dry, where teams will place the disappearance of the spot completely. Removal of fat stains by means of clear: flood the oil slick liquid is clear, and well-being rubbed by a toothbrush, then wash segment, including the spot with water and published in the air to dry, all of the spots disappear. Remove stains by fatty hair shampoo: You can remove the oil slick through the use of an allowance for oily hair hair who is to rid the cloth of fat as the Ptkhals hair of excess fat from the need shampoo. By intensifying the amount of shampoo on the spot and rub well with a toothbrush, then wash with water widget and dissemination to dry. Remove the oily stains soft drinks: That poured a little carbonated cola on the oily slick and soaked in it for two hours, then we are putting Machine with washing powder usual and we publish to dry, and be gone all traces of fatty patches for clothing in general and fabrics. With the observation that the more quickly spots were cleaned immediately after Atsakha whenever contributed to the disappearance of the spot fully and without trouble.
Many of us suffer from the problem of sweating, especially that produced by the armpit sweat. Where considered this phenomenon a problem to plague many people and strive to find a solution to the problem of sweat on clothing appearance and the other problem is to get rid of on the clothing sweat patches where we note become a region that absorbs sweat colored yellow as a spot spoil piece clothing splendor and appearance, so how to prevent the onset of race on the clothes and after addressing sweat stains on clothing. Solve the problem of the appearance of sweat on clothing are advised beginning remove and shaved armpit because the race is sorted retains its armpit hair resulting absorbed directly from the clothing, and the other way to prevent the race, the emergence of the use of powder powder are an effective way to prevent sweating and prevent the smell of sweat breath If mixed with sweat clothes and powder mixes easily be washing clothes. To get rid of sweat recommend using a deodorant that does not contain material reacts with sweat which leads to yellowing of the race, especially the aluminum component. It is advisable to use a floured alum also to prevent sweating altogether. Bother a lot of women when washing clothes in making clothes completely clean from the smell of sweat and stains the yellow race and some stains are stubborn, and there are many ways to get rid of on the clothes and the most important race spots are boil a cup of water and put it three tablespoons of salt then stir well and the water is placed or dipping spot race in brine and then five minutes or the duration of the rubbing well are left are an easy way to get rid of sweat stains. Lemon juice is used or a piece of lemon rub it for the good even disappear completely, and you can add vinegar directly on the colored spot and are a good rub and also add chlorine to wear white Haitham is diluted Mlah chlorine with water spoon and pour directly on the spot and be rubbed well after leaving two minutes. The use of soap to get rid of sweat stains are used olive oil soaps and soap where moistening spot sweating on the clothes with water and then wring immediately with soap and be rubbed well so make sure clean clothes, and patches modern race is directly use the powder on the clothes and leave half an hour is then washed, and is a clear means of enzymes that are also added to the sweat stains, and some housewives used yeast solution where placed on the clothing, where left on the clothes to dry well by working to dismantle race of clothing molecules then wash well.
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