dimanche 7 février 2016

How to change the color of your eyes

How to change the color of your eyes
Considers human eyes first interface to the beauty of the face and the place that draws the attention of the people first, so care about the majority of women by highlighting the beauty of the eyes by all means available to highlight their color and decorate it with makeup and contact lenses in order to get another new color is the traditional blue such as color, green or gray. According to global statistics show that more than half the world's population eyes of brown, while a small percentage of no more than 2% own eyes varying rare Kalozark or gray or green, so whoever has the rare color of eyes Ihzawn the admiration of the people, hence encouraged this many women to go for new ways to try to color their eyes change, in different ways, in order to get a new color attractive to others distinguishes it from the rest of the women and more than call attention to it. the media has evolved to change the eye color by using modern technologies that we will address them gradually as follows. Methods of natural eye color change: Change eye color makeup: where can some make-up techniques used by some cosmetic specialists work relative change in the color of the eyes, such as using some eyes objectionable shades of color Originally eyes reflect color eye shadows change their minds their color temporarily tricks visual, also can use colored eyeliner or Aloaleiner colors such as blue or green or violet when placed on a colored eye color show strongly, increases in its beauty and attractiveness, this method is the simplest and fastest way for girls use them constantly. Change the eye color of colored lenses: one of the simplest ways and soundest explanation to change eye color on a temporary basis for a number of hours, different and distinctive color, and spread in the markets and pharmacies are many types of colored contact lenses used by everyone in various occasions to change their color, at minimal cost and without risky surgery, but Attention should be paid here to some of the problems caused by the use of long lenses Kjvav eyes or repeated eye infections that, How to change eye color surgically: There is a new way to change eye color permanently to blue or green or any other color desired by the person but still unknown damage yet .. It is the cultivation of the iris used by doctors in compelling cases who shall doctor doing an incision in the iris of the eye and put inside lens made ​​of silicon Ahaknha the color you want the person, and this process needs to be more than a quarter of an hour only, but it is a sensitive and very delicate process, does not accept it a lot because it is a dangerous practical and results are not guaranteed on the eye and the ability to vision.
How do you wear lenses
How do you wear lenses This question has served pal some who want to wear contact lenses and dispense eyeglasses or for people who want to wear colored lenses for a change, or if they have a specific event they wish to appear where differently from the saliva the color of their eyes change, let's Dear readers recognize in this article the method of wearing lenses patch the proper way to put it. Contact Lenses It is a lens Tabaah or may be lenses Tbah medical Valadsat are lenses that used as a substitute for medical glasses They are used in cases of weakness Regulations Ktol sighted and myopic or deviation The cosmetic They are used for the purpose of the color of the eye lens to change, and sold lenses patch dedicated to the work of eyeglasses shops It can be found in the cosmetic contact lenses Chidelat where wearing only a beauty without any medical reason. It can also contact lenses between medical and cosmetic lenses gathered at one time the lens shall be made for medical purposes, and at the same time be colored are fed a medical and cosmetic purpose at one time. Way and wear contact lenses Wearing contact lenses may be difficult at first, especially for beginners, but with the passage of time it becomes easier and faster to you dear readers steps wearing contact lenses: Before Forever wearing contact lenses Perhaps you dear reader, that you wash your hands thoroughly with water and Alasawn and Tjvifam well in order to maintain the integrity of your eyes as the eye by a sensitive and can easily be infected with certain inflammation as a result of the bacteria and microbes that may enter the eye. Dear reader, you go to the mirror and touch them so dramatically facilitates the eye sees more clearly. It must be used hands-two in wearing lenses. Use a hand in lifting the upper eyelid as relieves you dear reader, you can use the right hand or the left in order to raise the upper eyelid or you dear reader sustainability of your hand in order to download the lower eyelid. Use your other hand on the lens and put them it installed on the index finger. Open a good eye and zoom lens to it. It will adhere to the lens inside the eyes. Then Pthrkiha even stick right into the lens. Be sure to keep your eye open for a few seconds to ten, for example, to make sure the lens entry correctly and did not fall. I work on the opening and closing your eyes so that the lens is moving right into your eyes and clear vision. Repeat the same steps above with the other eye.
علاج تجاعيد تحت العين
Eye wrinkles appear because of the constant advances in age and old age, and appears in the form of wrinkles around the eyes and underneath, where we note that the surface layer of skin under the eyes begin to corrosion and decay, and this layer is acting as a barrier between the internal and the external environment of cells, and we know wrinkles through progress in a lifetime, though there are some cases that are on the mind of wrinkles, but they are very young, they are no longer governed in time after today, and because of this phenomenon that have sprung up recently, it was necessary to reach a solution suitable to ensure the lady or woman follow her life in a very ordinary without that this phenomenon affects the normal course of things. The treatment of wrinkles is using several ways, including medical methods, a Botox injection or laser treatment, but there is a recipes for face masks have very effective in removing wrinkles around the eyes. The Almsakat means of safe, effective and simple and inexpensive for the average person may be healthier than other medical treatments, and to you these simple recipes to get rid of wrinkles. Mask of milk and honey: The first milk treatment is to smooth out wrinkles under the eyes, especially as it is recognized internationally, and entering in the first installation of many refreshments physical, but they also had to be used, we will add to it hung honey, to make it a catcher coherent and rich in active elements that work on Lift face, and to maintain its attractiveness significantly. Mask option with milk: The milk of the nutrients that are used to conceal skin imperfections, can be dispensed with warm water, wash your face with milk, which dampens the tension of the skin, and tightens the skin in a spectacular way, as that option is very helpful in moisturizing the skin, and improves their natural color, which is not affected by hindrances that going through the face during the day. fruits / It was originally in the use of fruit due to the very long time, so he started using the peach and apple slices, and even manga, which won great fame in the field of skin purification of pimples and plankton that appear on the skin, and is working to tighten the skin, ridding it of useless fluids such as race and other works on fill the pores that were opened by the various natural phenomena. So we must be careful to eat healthy food goes resistant to wrinkles, such as fruits and leafy vegetables. We avoid direct exposure to the sun; because they are the primary reason for the appearance of wrinkles, and therefore premature wrinkles resistance around the eye and below, are the basis of skin look and health and free of wrinkles, and the conclusion, the appearance of wrinkles is not the end of the world, but must pay attention to skin in this period, more than ever Another .
أدوات التجميل
Altonik Helps to close the pores and used after cleaning the skin as an antiseptic and astringent her, also helps to remove dead cells from the face and neck and when you put wet Qatanna little of it and pass on the skin and after it dries put moisturizing cream Foundation cream Cream placed on the basis of skin before you put make-up is distributed to the face and neck and equal manner of forms Cream foundation Alvaondishn -alsail Compact foundation Powder Compact, which shall be the basis of a compact with the powder composition limit the luster, the kind befitting the most oily skin or mixed Compact Foundation cream They are the foundations of between Karim and Albaodr, and this kind slips easily on the skin and gives the skin texture Naamaoicom cover the skin well Powder Give the skin a beautiful powder and placed after the foundation cream makes skin velvet suit and oily skin and skin with Wide pores and helps to keep wearing make-up for a long time and suck the fat away Shines for oily skin and hide impurities and grain and Azwn, also demonstrate the color rouge, Ashdown, and them Powder free and called almond powder Powder lighting used to illuminate the face and under the eyes and sunshine the region and placed by air brush Alkoncelr Of the most important objects used for face Bmacaiaj evening to hide pimples, spots, dark circles, which varied colors and texture creamy heavy coverage and has five colors Green to cover the red-grain brown shade places who do not want to bring it Hedenq aspects such as the nose and down to minimize eye to hide dark circles Beige bold italics to Orange color also put a thin layer on the circles to cover up the first dish using the little finger and hand-way light patting or possible use on Arwag form Concealer Light color, light beige puts on light skin and a class of third spots on the dark circles light yellow color tends to be placed on the places that we want to bring it Kazmh nose and cheeks It is possible to use the remnants of foundation cream on the nozzle tray foundation Kkoncelr eye shadow Pack contains a set of late, you can use each color or combination of colors Mtansagan by your dress and your skin is no cans are available on only one color and are compressed Tstal polished them in the night and evening weddings Eye Shadow usually means using ordinary times, which does not need the weight in the make-up and no spangle Lalai and Shadow in the form of an excellent and easy-to-pens, especially in the daytime and Kherjat light and fit Aktheralambtdiat for ease of use Lalai Shadow best brands are MAC and Lancome and Chanel and Bergoa Liquid eyeliner This type of eyeliner is placed around the eye and not inside it. There are many types of it, either in the form of a pen or brush with cans and minutes. Needs to practice until mastered his painting, it is important to avoid pulling the eyelid When you put kohl because the line will be thick and winding when Taatrkin eyelid. Best Marcath Lancome Pen eyes To Tkahil eyes Pencil Used to drawn and arranged to give it look nice and tidy Maskrey To prolong and intensify the eyelashes Albuleshr It is blush and be on the forms Powder is placed after the foundation and powder to add cream to the face transparent color Apply to face and brushing should get rid of the excess amount outstanding and it prefers not to exaggerate placing In the form of granules give a color velvet for Cheeks and be used the same way as regular brushing powder after mixing The form of a cream needs to be accurate when you put it is dedicated to events and placed after the cream base Makeup Brushes Alvaondishn brush This special distribution of cream foundation brush on the face, and their role is not Dharoa possible because we do without them Powder Brush Keep the powder in the case of non-existence of the sponge own Brush scattering powder And it is used for the scattering of powder on the face and neck and remove residues Brush Alkoncelr And be used for distribution to Mmcn shade, lighting, it is necessary especially in the evenings Makeup Shadows brushes are used for the distribution of shade on the eyelid strictly private shadow Alsmucy and two of them small and large, are used for the distribution of the large shadow over the entire small eyes and for the distribution of light on the entire mobile eyelid Sponge placed shadows are considered as the last touch of aesthetic finish by Macaiajna Boom or the core of sitting And is the last touch of beauty placed where Alyalchweh
تطويل الرموش بسرعة

The intensity of the attractiveness of the eyes and long eyelashes, therefore some researchers about the beauty of eyes looking for several ways to intensify and prolong Rmouchehn Here we will tell you a natural recipes to intensify and lengthen eyelashes. And that there is a recipe for lengthening eyelashes through the use of castor oil with a brush teeth and fat eyelashes twice a day, is the magic formula to lengthen eyelashes comes rapid results during Sbuaan along the lashes and to increase the length of eyelashes and brightness can use sweet almond oil on lashes a day and then pass a piece of wet cotton milk curd on the eyelashes before bedtime as stating in milk moisturize lashes and intensify from the roots. Eyelashes follow the same hair base. If your hair healthy and thick are supposed to be your lashes also dense and healthy, but sometimes with the use of cosmetics bad or do not clean eyelashes sound and healthy way of mascara and make-up so that the lashes falling are stressful you need to rest from the make-up and allow them to grow new support its growth with some useful nutrients to her: Vitamin H: Vitamin H is an important vitamin for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes can be affixed to your diet eating eggs, bananas, walnuts, sardines, almonds, olive oil, castor oil with glycerol yolks: Olive oil, castor oil of exquisite oils is Kocefat grandmothers long and beautiful eyelashes Vqoma few rinsing of any of them on the maker of the lashes on the eyelid at night before going to sleep a day for a month and Stlahzi result in a few weeks and you can also use one of the cans and empty mascara after being washed and dried well from the inside a little Vamliaha from any of Alzitin after mixed with a bit of medical glycerin and Astkhaddmiha Kmaskra at night time before going to sleep. To intensify lashes and note f Medical Use Vaseline to grease magnificence lashes Balvazlen full day and will notice the difference within days. And also use castor oil with live oil to intensify eyelashes. There is also an awesome way to intensify eyelashes and a note f olive oil with honey put them on the eyelashes and you'll notice the difference in days. This is also mixed for lengthening eyelashes and intensify: - Steps: - olive oil + castor oil + almond oil + Vaseline Bring a box where we put all the ingredients and add them a little lemon peel and one teaspoon of tea. Brush the eyelashes at night and wash in the morning. This amalgam renewed every five days and the results are impressive.

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