dimanche 7 février 2016

How to become a female sense of the word

كيف اصبح انثى بمعنى الكلمة
The girl feel many times that some of the actions carried out by not has nothing of femininity, they often prefer to refer to it around, as an example of the paper, and femininity, elegance, and others. That's really what you need, The girl without the features of femininity that must be capped, does not mean anything, they do not differ from men never. How to be a female sense of the word? To be a female that is not far away, just to have you stem femininity of you, it is no wonder that the girl modestly sober, people loved the most, Valonoth no nudity or Balbjahh and others, but the ability to impress people's qualities and ethics of good, and you dear some of the qualities that make you others consider the most beautiful girls at all: - 1. You have to Tafrda your respect from the people surrounds you, and that you are evaluating the respect of those around you, all abandoned the words that offend femininity, and affect the whimsically, nor _ima anyone or Tnotaih bad qualities make you repulsive in his eyes. 2. patience, fortitude, and Gjali your voice is always soft, and not in Trfieh problems nor in the other, and Show your your respect for others, even though you Takhtlven them in point of view, not be the people who Atasbon for their ideas and their personal items. 3. Do not Thajma others if you do not like talking, nor Taathmehm terms that are not in them, but try to accept the views, and being abreast of what surrounds you of events and different things. 4. Connie rank-dressed, theater hair, clean clothes, and try to MAKE yourself as an example, including those around you from your peers, not Taatbehrja Tkthrey or from the use of cosmetic powders; they devalue yourself, and make you a bad image in the eyes of others. 5. Atakve modesty robe you, do not hesitate to make it a platform of your life, as you know, the modesty is a branch of the faith, and the most beautiful way to impose your personality, and lifestyle. 6. Connie thin feelings, and Ohabay around you, and the feet of those who really need help, this is the perfect way to Being always in the forefront, and beware that Tqlli of the value of the less you affair, or Tnfra of them, it makes you their best people. 7. This my advice to you Okhitti, you said you d to be a female beware that Terpti femininity arrogance, Vagharwr kills the heart, and makes you in the eyes of everyone is just a human being superficial, not only themselves interested, do not aspire only to be at the forefront always, this trait destroy its owner, more which flies, and make others loath it.
How do I create beautiful female
Inside every girl beautiful female, but they do not find the right path to take out the female to light, the real beauty is lies in the fact that the girl is able to maintain itself, and enjoy the morality of benign, help them not to be involved in the problems, and to engage in genuine relationships, clear and beautiful, remains a question each girl, how to be a beautiful female ?? There are many ways that make female creative, very beautiful, mesmerizing by both see: First, have you dear Algtah always show in a beautiful appearance, Hndam tidy, and the form of Hassan, the real beauty is lies in being a phenomenon of beauty and invisible beauty, the Ordti to be beautiful to have you be seeing you in the form of salary on time. Second, every girl is able to show off its beauty, one way or another, So try to pursue the correct methods to highlight femininity, nor Taatmaya temptation or highlight Mvatenk order to be considered Aliki people, and point out the extent of your beauty. Third: Stay away from various cosmetic powders, they hurt your beauty dear, crash softness and tenderness that you should show them, Valmessahiq cosmetic use at specific times, social and weddings only Kalmnaspat, while in the street is not permissible for you to Tstameliha, because people look Aliki will not like that I understand their content. Fourth: You can use creams Brightening, creams or detergents for the skin, as well as hair creams, it strengthens the hair, give him power and luster, and Tdjalki show the appearance of the good, the beautiful shape, and luster in your home, and who will come will be impressed by your beauty female slave. Fifth: Try to Tziele facial hair constantly, poetry excess in the face of the girl reduces her femininity, and makes it look like men, in most cases, especially if the hair is at the bottom of the nose, So try attention to this point, they are very important, and very prominent, and influence how the rule of others have you. Sixth: doctrinaire to pay attention to the cleanliness of the body in general, and the accent of those who Atarguen easily So try to get rid of this problem by using a deodorant, or recipes, which is useful in getting rid of the bad smell, though Conti married, So be beautiful always, whether at home or in the street, and make your man does not see you, but all that is beautiful, because it might affect your relationship. In conclusion, / As reported earlier, the real beauty is that comes from the heart, it does not eliminate the long lifetime, nor Yehedoh time, attention So try inner beauty, to reflect on the external image, and Tnala people love and admiration.
The cuisine for fattening face
Women suffer from many of the problems related to the appearance of aesthetic, and this is causing a lot of embarrassment, especially if the problem is centered around the face area, and perhaps the remarkable thing is that those who suffer from the problem of the thinnest face, they often suffer from the problem of thinness in general, increased so slim problem in the face, which affected the aesthetics of women, and made it look like a larger than life, and it was necessary to find an effective way to get rid of this problem, and work hard on fattening face to conform to the shape of the body, and with the age of the person is neutral. And foods that help in increasing the weight of the face, and get rid of thinness final are: - Eating authorities, with the fatty soup to be achieved to get a beautiful skin, the face is full. Fresh chicken meat: And helps the chicken meat, especially in the chest and face to be more dynamic and beautiful, and look worthy of your age, it is important to have chicken cooked well, so take advantage of the nutritional value that contain them fully. Help fruits, especially those rich in fiber and water to help maintain the freshness of the skin, and hard work by the possibility of obtaining the weight fills the skin well, but you have to beware of foods that increase the weight in general, because it would cause a big problem. Eating fried fish or grilled helps in increasing the face is full, and you independent of means for all of the items that are not needed by the body, because the fish contains a large amount of phosphorus-rich substances that help you get what you need is essential. You may have noticed that the fish helps keep the skin clean, rich and free of impurities, and the things that hurt your face shape and influence the show it beautifully. Honey, with a little milk help you to save face from fatigue, and relieve you of feeling pain, and helps to maintain the shape of the face, which is filled by the good meals that beautify the face. Conclusion: the thinnest flip primarily affect the continuity, in the sense of comfort, it is possible to make your face more freshness and vitality, and younger, but it does not mean that neglect the rest of the body, Increases that may affect the face, would inevitably affect the body size in General, and make it seem more weight, you need a balance between these two things, until you get the desired result as soon as time and with minimal effort.
وصفات لجمال الوجه
Recipes for facial beauty Milk friend for your skin because the yogurt tops the list of natural materials that take care of your skin, it is useful to place him always within your accounts, programs and daily care for the skin, in the composition of materials help transform your skin into supple, bright and energetic. Vaarafa highlighted the benefits! Of the highlights of the benefits of yogurt: Moisturize the skin: milk can revive dull skin, and use two or three times a mask on the skin, preventing dry, acid-Alleniec which helps them to stay moisturised, here you wash your face at first, then yogurt rubbed over the whole of your face for 10 minutes, then wash it off cold water. There are also many recipes face, including: - The first recipe Ingredients: - Tablespoon olive oil And two tablespoons of cucumber juice Eggs and egg Usage: - Confuse the material with each other and be a holder and we are putting on the face for fifteen minutes and then Ngzlea warm water. We will get fresh skin radiate vitality and brightening. The second recipe Ingredients: - Spoon yogurt Average Size option Usage: - Peel the cucumber and pureed and mixed with yogurt and applied to the face and then rinse after 20 minutes warm, then cold water. The third recipe Ingredients: - an egg Juice of half a lemon Two tablespoons honey Three tablespoons of olive oil Usage: - Mix these ingredients and put on the face for ten minutes or quarter of an hour is important then wash the face with warm water tends to be cooler.
Way to whiten the face Suffers a lot of black or Darkening of the skin so the girls looking for the best ways that lead to skin lightening, especially in the summer, where they are affected by the sun and affecting their color dramatically, so they may have been dealt a lot of recipes that lead to skin lightening and purification, and these recipes : Honey with castor for bleaching the skin: The honey mixed with castor oil and mint with each other and their fat face and rubbed benefit the skin lightening their color. Grape skin whitening where we bring in grapes and we will cut it off from the center and the survey is well on the skin, which helps well in the skin whitening process where such a great benefit for the skin components and working on being fed and cleaned. Milk and potatoes for skin whitening as we bring the amount of potatoes with the amount of milk and we put the potatoes on the fire to boil a peeled and then we remove the water from the potatoes and filtered all in a pot, and then we add the milk to the potatoes, but that in the event that the potatoes have cooled, and we processing the mixture and fill it in a box and put it in the refrigerator before use and must shake well and there are other ways to skin whitening them. Skin whitening option where the mixture is composed of only option and we cut the cucumber and put it on the face, above and below the eyes. Of the most important methods proven in the field of facial handling eggs and rosewater whitening and consists of several specific amounts, including egg yolk and a tablespoon of honey mixed with milk powder and rose water, and the composition of this mixture it is the way they are easy and simple where we mix all the previous ingredients well with each other and put the skin of the face for fifteen minutes and wash the skin with warm water and then note opens the skin where it can repeat this mixture and continue to use it. Use olive oil of the most important elements that are used in skin whitening olive oil as we bring the amount of olive oil plus the juice of half a lemon and egg yolk, and then we mix well Ingredients with each other until we have made up a mixture We placing it on the skin for be between fifteen minutes and twenty-five minutes, and then we wash the skin thoroughly with warm water and also it is possible that we are repeating the fat skin with this mixture where the results will be stronger and better in the skin whitening process. Potatoes and cheese for bleaching the skin and is considered a way of effective skin lightening roads where we bring a group of potatoes grated and a limited amount of cheese and then, confuse a good ingredients that mixture can straighten on the face and then we massage the skin with this mixture and place it on the face made up.

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