dimanche 7 février 2016

How to make a Folding Machine clothing

How to make a Folding Machine clothing
an introduction Most housewives suffer from the arrangement of clothes Balkhozain so do not take much space from the shelves, because most of the lockers are too small for the amount of clothes stationed at the person, so it is seeking housewife Almnol hard to provide space for all Alavih clothes inside the closet. Therefore, we will provide you a way folding clothes through this simple-made manual machine, to Todei rigors of the order and time extinct during the arrangement, since the order of clothing is no longer the duty of the mother only, but anyone help and proficiency ranking and contribute to the comfort of the mother a little and render aid can It has to take part of the burden of her home. Materials that are needed for the manufacture of machine clothing Collapse We need some simple materials for making clothes Folding Machine: Cardboard (any suitable thickness and texture rigid) be square, and a large size. Strong adhesive (wide band) Large scissors. Llqyas meters. Pen and long ruler. Table for the implementation of the steps on them. Manufacturing Method Bring one of your existing T-shirts, it is arranged so as to be when you buy them. Bring cardboard and put it on the table, and then place the shirt on top of the carton from the top down until, that is, be the end of the folded shirt up to the middle of the carton approx. Bring meter measurement and pen and ruler, and identified your existing sizes, all clothes have a different measure of them small, medium and large. Bring scissors and then Qusay carton selected by clearing to the state equal sections. After that nationalist Ptchiq Althelah pieces of cardboard from the upper Hristit be cardboard easy movement while leaving a simple space between the pieces of foldable. Figure carton is now divided from the middle and the top three anti sections glued to. Do not stick to the bottom, but it remains a vacuum by the vacuum left upper part. Note now that the carton involve from all directions simply and easily without complexity. Thus was simple machine manual manufacturing folding clothes quickly and arranged in a way does not take a lot of space.
Frequently in winter and Aljoaquit wear clothing made from the skin, due to its unique ability to be protected from the rain, and gives the body a tambourine and heat, making it resistant to cold and frost atmosphere that accompanies this chapter. Not to mention considered leather garments of the finest and most beautiful clothes that give the wearer look attractive and elegant, but this leather garments because of their fragility and rapid cracking and burning speed sometimes, so it must deal gently with this type of thin clothing, especially in the processes of washing and ironing, in order to ensure retaining glossy appearance and attractive. Way to leather garments: Find it difficult some people to leather garments and are forced to wear unkempt sometimes for fear of burning irons and losing her looks beautiful, but we can smooth these clothes and ironed without exposing parts of them damaged and burning, and through the development of iron at a lower temperature, and then to the jacket or pants from the inside and not from the outside, taking care to put a piece of cotton over the part to be the iron K, in order not to shrink or damaged high heat. General tips to keep your skin clothing: To wash leather garments, try to avoid cleaned ordinary such as clothing and powder usual chemical because it hurts the leather garments and displays it to damage rapid desquamation, especially if they are poor industry, leather garments, and Replace it with a special powder to clean the leather sold the leather shops keep the appearance of the skin shiny pack without being damage or desquamation and Altstahat and fading color. Do not cover with plastic leather garments to ensure that, peeled and dry skin it. Survey spots for leather garments with a white cloth wet with water a little bit, so that the skin remains conservative on appearance, without showing signs of foot. While avoiding the use of alcohol in the cleaning, including wet wipes because they may lose its luster skin and fade from its original color. Exposing leather garments to the air and sun from time to time so as not smelling foul odors as a result of long storage Leather garments suspended on wooden or plastic hanger and do not fold because it displays many of the wrinkles are difficult to remove thermal cautery simple. Avoid using sharp tools kitchen knife or razor while wearing leather garments because it is a quick rip and crack, and always away from sources of home heating Kalsobac and Elvir Bliss.
How to leather garmentsFrequently in winter and Aljoaquit wear clothing made from the skin, due to its unique ability to be protected from the rain, and gives the body a tambourine and heat, making it resistant to cold and frost atmosphere that accompanies this chapter. Not to mention considered leather garments of the finest and most beautiful clothes that give the wearer look attractive and elegant, but this leather garments because of their fragility and rapid cracking and burning speed sometimes, so it must deal gently with this type of thin clothing, especially in the processes of washing and ironing, in order to ensure retaining glossy appearance and attractive. Way to leather garments: Find it difficult some people to leather garments and are forced to wear unkempt sometimes for fear of burning irons and losing her looks beautiful, but we can smooth these clothes and ironed without exposing parts of them damaged and burning, and through the development of iron at a lower temperature, and then to the jacket or pants from the inside and not from the outside, taking care to put a piece of cotton over the part to be the iron K, in order not to shrink or damaged high heat. General tips to keep your skin clothing: To wash leather garments, try to avoid cleaned ordinary such as clothing and powder usual chemical because it hurts the leather garments and displays it to damage rapid desquamation, especially if they are poor industry, leather garments, and Replace it with a special powder to clean the leather sold the leather shops keep the appearance of the skin shiny pack without being damage or desquamation and Altstahat and fading color. Do not cover with plastic leather garments to ensure that, peeled and dry skin it. Survey spots for leather garments with a white cloth wet with water a little bit, so that the skin remains conservative on appearance, without showing signs of foot. While avoiding the use of alcohol in the cleaning, including wet wipes because they may lose its luster skin and fade from its original color. Exposing leather garments to the air and sun from time to time so as not smelling foul odors as a result of long storage Leather garments suspended on wooden or plastic hanger and do not fold because it displays many of the wrinkles are difficult to remove thermal cautery simple. Avoid using sharp tools kitchen knife or razor while wearing leather garments because it is a quick rip and crack, and always away from sources of home heating Kalsobac and Elvir Bliss.
Damages tight clothesDamage to wear tight clothes for women and men: Some people are drifting behind fashion without regard to these fashion Can fit age or his character or his environment, or even his health, we find some of the men or women, particularly young age dressed in tight clothing, and do not know the damage that may result from wearing, especially if done for long periods, and this damages the following: 1 - acidity and flashback: Sometimes suffers some people of acidity frequently, especially after eating heavy meals, begin to feel a burning sensation in the chest as a result of reflux of acid from the stomach into the esophagus, which is annoying feeling, if you are also suffering from acidity frequently, I advise you to avoid wearing tight clothes, because it will increase from this burning sensation in your chest, because they put pressure on the stomach, increasing out Artjall acid to the esophagus. 2 - exposure to fainting: Due to wear tight clothes, especially in the upper part of the body, it can prevent it from dilated chest during breathing well, and your breathing becomes shallow considerably less oxygen entering the body proportion, increasing your exposure to fainting ratio. 3 - pain nerves thighs: If you're a fan of wearing jeans so tight, I advise you to think about your health before drifting slightly behind fashion, as this can lead to problems and pain and tingling nerves thighs, due to excessive pressure on the nerves in this region. 4 - back pain: Wearing tight jeans and especially «if West», may lead to excessive pressure on the nerves of the back, may feel numb the pain in the legs and the back, so I advise you to avoid wearing it and choose another elegant clothes suit you and do not harm your health. 5 - abdominal pain and constipation: Tight pants can slow down the digestive process, they feel the pain of Bbtunk for a period of two to three hours after eating, and you should be in this case, avoid tight clothes and eating small-sized meals. 6 - varicose veins: Wear tight clothes may affect the blood circulation, which makes you more susceptible to Baldoual. 7 - vaginal infection: Tight clothing in the vaginal area causing increased temperature of this region and moisture, and thus a fertile environment for the growth of bacteria and fungi, so should you avoid wearing tight pants, or even tight underwear, especially in hot weather to avoid vaginal infections, which are usually symptoms of itching, pain and increase secretions. 8 - tight clothes may affect a woman's fertility: Some studies suggest that wearing tight clothes, especially jeans over the years, may affect a woman's fertility, and may reach it - God forbid - to infertility. 9 - headaches, blurred vision: This damage respect more the man. If one of your family members feel a headache frequently, and blurred vision, and sometimes numbness in the head, Look at the shirt or collar buttons neck, if the linking tightly, it may be the reason, where it can lead to a lack of size Linker blood to the brain, thereby creating a previous symptoms. 10 - Balsroel narrow a man's fertility may be affected: From the wisdom of the Almighty Creator and the presence of the testicles outside the body of the man to keep Brodthma, then you can sperm to mature at a rate of a sound, so some studies suggest that wearing tight pants may affect a man's fertility, due to the increased genitals heat caused by tight clothing, especially if the his genitals exposed to heat for other reasons.
كيف أغسل ملابس البيبي
The childhood experienced by children from the age of one month to three years is one of the most beautiful moments, but the most beautiful moment can not be a mother to forget and love the little infant stage any Baby stage for either a male or a girl, and the mother does not deny what he needs Baby this stage she wants to see her baby in the most beautiful image and smelled perfume and beautiful clothes and clean and tidy, and baby clothes being dirty from time to time and a period where they accumulate in the washing machine a lot of different clothes need washing and cleaning, and washing method baby clothes are as follows: The Baby clothes are usually not big Balatsak that require large, let alone in the washing machine. Baby clothes remind consist of pieces called colloquially (and Altaban Alofarhol) A child baby has plenty of these clothes because they are the work of a warm bath for children every day in order to preserve the cleanliness of his body. Baby white clothes are the first clothes that we washed where placed in me the washing machine first, and is added to warm water and washing powder and perfumed and Klein Alclabs then leave it in the washing machine wash even extinguished alarm the washing machine, and then removed from the washing machine and it is placed in cold water to get rid of the effects of Mshako washing so as not to sneeze baby. After the white clothing color swatches are put clothes that are light-colored in degree and be yellow colors and floral and blue and then we wash them in the washing machine, such as method of washing white clothes no matter what Asset Type and interested during washing is preferably Sort clothes Baby by color. Some of the clothes when washing Baby clothes without mixing what is the color, but this method hurt clothing where the hit colors. Preferably wash clothes Baby young children Balhar with water and plain soap. But with technology there Tkdn types of beans Automatic washers Khat put each meal of laundry in the washing machine even wash and wipe oneself and the easy way to wash clothes, especially in the winter. It is not advisable to leave the baby clothes in the washing machine for a long time, but preferably washed when dirty and when you have a meal of laundry are washed again. When not in favor of waiting to be a lot of clothes for the child needs more care without the other.

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