dimanche 7 février 2016

How do you remove the oil from clothes

How do you remove the oil from clothes
Cause stubborn stains on clothing stains their destruction in many cases this is because of the disobedience of those spots for disappearing, leading to make the form untidy dress and dirty even after they are washed, causing embarrassment to its owner even if someone clean by nature, these spots at various washing powders and effectiveness of products and specialization but there Meith clothes should not be washed, tummy tuck, but must take into account the traditional ways in particular when it comes to clothes with a sensitive and soft Alloqmhh. Except for the spots that Tkwon resulting from the oil, which is one of many spots effect on the clothes that the cloth absorbed and does not react with water in nature chemical and thus lead to lack of demise, these cases require certain ways, for example, is washed clothes are sensitive fabrics by hand by soaking in water cool and rub lightly way that does not affect them does not hurt to torn, while dealing with oil spills before washing originally, any oil spill must first preferably as quickly as possible after they occur a little powder over them, and there is no type of powder specified, but it is possible the use of child or powder any type of powder that will not be the same pigments but white powder and then leave the powder on the clothes long enough then Glsha normal manner. The clothes black should not be washed in the usual way in order not to the emergence of modulating the soap out lines, we should be washed with warm water, not hot with a little hair shampoo and rinse thoroughly with water in order to maintain the black color without fading, while in regular washing process Fahim base in the laundry is color separation from each other, especially white clothes washed in batches, and marked pieces that can solve their color during and put water on the other so as not to cause damage to all the other pieces, are put white clothes first and after the completion of washed placed the colors of the stairs light and thus gradually until access to the clothes of a very dark color such as color navy blue and black, it is best to use a good washing powder as well as some fixed color and rain clothes so as not to Taatkhcb fabrics and become dry and with a damaged appearance, despite their quality, and should be considered a knock publication on the ropes or washing holder Bjeet not have an impact on clothing.
كيف ازيل الالوان من الملابس
The presence of the colors on the children's clothes are recurring problems that occur because of Gstamal children of color of all kinds, and that children of color control ability and playing and painting without causing any damage to their clothes, leads this act to the feeling of the mother upset and Aghannzaaaj to lose this garment to the difficulty of removing such Alqa of the usual way on the clothes washing. You, O Mother of some of the ways that can help you get rid of the colors that resides on clothes while enjoying your children and the mother of the child to participate coloring Ataatdhaaf happiness of the child without worrying about spots and malaise and discomfort during coloring. Methods of removing the colors for all types of clothing Bring piece affected and be counted, and it laid the piece of white cotton behind the damaged part and then bring alcohol substance and put on Qatanna and are rubbing colors from the outside-in until the colors are still completely and move to the segment located behind the damaged part and is then washed with water and soap as usual. Prepare a solution of sodium carbonate and warm water so that we have a putty-like material and are placed on the damaged part and leave it for half an hour and consists of then Ngzlea Machine usual. Can we remove the colors of the clothes put hair spray on the damaged part and is wipe it with a cotton with a piece of cloth behind the damaged part in order not to move to the other direction of dresses and be the removal of the outside-in process. Using white vinegar to remove many stains on the clothes and then soak the affected part of the clothes in vinegar and repeat the process until completely get rid of the spots, then wash as usual piece Machine. Milk used to remove the colors of the clothes, too, and so Bzda piece milk and are placed on the fire to boil milk and milk observe the color change and this is the way remove the colors, and can repeat the process until you get a satisfactory outcome. Can remove the wax colors of the clothes in an expeditious manner and is, keep paper blotting and are napkins own kitchen from and then put the paper under the damaged part and the other above and then attend irons and Nque above Almendim on the damaged part and you will notice the attachment of colors with a tissue and still from all directions.
كيف اغسل الملابس الداخليه
Lingerie: is that stick to our bodies directly so they have the highest proportion of microbes and germs, and in order to avoid any skin infections or serious illnesses lead to cancers in the long run should be washed clothes and cleaned thoroughly. It must be taking into account the separation of underwear for clothing and other non-status with each other, so as not to mix with the microbes and bacteria contamination and other clothing, and must get rid of the unclean water after washing them. As should be sterilized underwear after washing, any strong sterile and so to get rid of germs lingering, but must take into account that most of the fabrics underwear bad made them on the skin, either they are not made of cotton, since cotton is the best raw materials for the manufacture of underwear because it works to absorb sweat and not to be smelly, it also does not leave marks on the body and left pools of tinctures, interior clothes are made from the skin should be discarded because they are not working to absorb sweat and thus consists smelly and be a good environment to be bacteria, leading to infections and Taathij skin and thus a person feels itchy and burning in these places. It should take into account ventilation underwear well and exposing it to the sun to dry completely, and in order to be rid of the sterile user residues in washing clothes, Valmakmat and chemical washing materials adversely affect the human body and works to be inflammatory, they are protective materials the human body, and burn the skin if the sensed. The underwear should be changed firsthand, Aaloql changed twice a day, because the parts of the human body is exposed to perspiration and cause inflammation, and must get rid of any lingerie leave the effects of dyes Aaljsm even if they are new, because the pigments harmful to the skin as well and should be avoided published in the humid and dark places because the humidity is a good environment for the growth of harmful germs. It should take into account that does not wash with white underwear with colored underwear, because the colored clothes may leave Obbagha on the white clothes and colored and thus spoiled, and this is what must be avoided. Should pay attention to good underwear and washed down and disinfected and exposed to the sun and change them at least once a day, and as underwear stuck to the body must not be tight because the narrow these clothes work on the appearance of a red effects on the body and in the long run may turn out to suntan.
طريقة غسل الملابس البيضاء
an introduction Human nature always likes to draw the attention of others around him, the more he cares about is his appearance and clothing worn, are always quick to all that is new in the world of style and fashion, but what the value of that man wearing a pretty consistent and tidy clothes without having to be clean, in often it may be exposed rights to a variety of situations that make clothes polluted and dirty, which loses its appeal and they look beautiful, and become the need to clean up, but the laundry special way in order not to be damaged, especially if it is white in color, so we will give in this article many of the steps and tips to learn how to wash white clothes. Washing method white clothes Is the white color of the more colors the popular clothing among all, it is suitable for all ages and races, and it is particularly attractive, white clothes more clothes sensitivity in the washing process, because it is fast dirt, affected in any spot, making it the need for special washed way, which is as follows : The separation of the white clothing of the other colored clothes. In the case of the mixing of white clothing with colorful, the white color will not remain as it is, it must abide by the separation of white clothes by fabric type Qmacha, to silk, wool, cotton, linen, and others, there are types of fabric washed with cold water and some are washed with hot water. Always advisable to soak the white clothes with cold water, because the dirt on these multiple clothing, and this step is very useful to remove tough stains and stubborn spots of blood, the cold water to ensure complete cleanliness of these clothes and do not keep any trace of those spots. Is added a small cup of chlorine to the large amount of water is estimated at 10 liters, and then wash their clothes, but must pay attention to the amount of chlorine. In the case of recklessness by the chlorine will damage the tissues of clothes and make yellowish color. If the piece to be washed made of wool, it should be washed with cold water, because hot water makes the piece expands, changing the shape of, and destroy, preferably washed by hand, but in the case of the use of the washing machine are placed on medium speed. Usually advised to wash white clothes in hot water, washing powder, plus a little bleach, and then washed Machine for a maximum of a quarter of an hour, and then be deployed to the sun's rays cleared and dried.

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